By Blackblade.


Location 12: Purged Blight

Targets (for fast progression):

1. Acquire 4 Peacekeepers (5% drop chance during the 1st mission) and 3 Vigils (5% drop chance during the 2nd mission)

2. Replace your weakest units by Peacekeepers every time you will get a new one droped from the 1st mission (Endless Siege)

3. Replace your weakest units with Vigils every time you get any during the 2nd mission (Righteous Parlay). Place then into the Reinforceemnt slots more Vigils or Peacekeepers (if you have enough) to be brought into battle when your Vigils proc their ability.

4. As soon as you get Attalia from the 3rd mission, replace your weakest Commander with her (she heals by an average rate of 8 heal/ attack)

5. As soon as you completed the domination on the first three mission aat this location, you will get unlocked the next location: Asphodel. Move forward.

Targets (for total domination):
If you want to obtain Adytum. Another ultimate structure for both, non Chippers as for Chippers, then follow those targets:
1. Match all the previous targets and the following additional targets:

2. Acquire the Commander Attalia, 8 Peacekeepers and 8 Vigils.

3.  During the 3rd mission (A Brilliant Flash) you could get the "Super Swarm" formation. Update then your forces filling the empty slots with all your best units as you already learned in previous locations.

4. With 120 energy cost for the last mission, you will have a 5% chance to get droped Adytum. Once you get it equip it in all your forces (attack force, defense force and every Epic Force you currently made)

Chance Loot: Assault: Peacekeeper (5% chance)

Replace your weakest Assault units with Peacekeeper as soon as you get any.

Chance Loot: Assault: Vigil (5% chance)
Replace your weakest Assault units with Peacekeeper as soon as you get any.

Chance Loot: Commander: Attalia  (15%); Component: Gateway Node (~1%)

Replace your weakest Commander with Attalia.
MOVE FORWARD: Continue your advance in the next location: Asphodel

Chance Loot: Formation: Super Swarm (7/24/10) (5%)

Chance Loot: Structure: Adytum. (5% chance) Component: Gateway Node (~1%)

Adytum is a very good Structure and worth the effort, but remember don't delay your progression and advance as soon as posible to the next location.