By Blackblade.


Location 4: Tyrol Outpost


1. Acquire 3 Dreadnaughts and 3 Barrage Tanks (through the Barracks) to fill requirements for the three first missions. 

2. Acquire the Batallion formation in the 1st mission (Annihilate the Caravan) and update your force.

3. Keep Anastasia as Commander in your active Force and Infiltrators / Rocket Infantry as Assault units.
    (Remember: you don't need to equip in your main force the required units to attemp missions.
    Keep them into your backup is enough).

4. Dominate the first 3 main missions and advance to the next location: Ashrock, for a faster and efficient  progress.

Chance Loot: Formation: Batallion (1/7/3), 25% chance; Component: Casing, 5% chance
Advice: Update your force equiping the Batallion formation. Keep Infiltrators as assault units.

Chance Loot: Assault: Commando (10/7), 3% chance; Component: Power Supply, 8% chance

Chance Loot: Commander: Lord Alexander (14/10), 25% chance

MOVE FORWARD. Continue your advance in the next location, Ashrock.

Chance Loot: Structure: Communications Array, 4% chance; Component: Motor, 5% chance

This mission start unlocked once 100% dominated the 4 main missions at this location.
Chance Loot: Assault: Byron Skyfist (20/32), 15% chance